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Difesa Personale


The course focuses on barehanded self-defence mainly. Its final goal is to provide the student with a techincal and psychogical base thanks to which it will be able to defend oneself in potentially dangerous situations. For this reason, the teaching insists on simple and effective techniques, suitable for everybody. 

The student grows in a constant manner, with the introduction of new techniques and more complete and tough training methods.

The course occurs during lunch-time, with a first part of gymnastics and a second one of technical training.

It encompasses striking (fists, elbows, knees, kicks, traditional Kung Fu strikes), full-contact (choking, outwiggling, joint levers), and falling techniques, as well as distance-control management against one or more aggressions.



Pegli - Akademia EssereNonEssere (Via Martiri della libertà) Monday-Tuesday: 13:00-14:30

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